Importer & Distributor
Rethink, overcome and discover the very best in audio
High End & Luxury Audio

We believe that music is essential to our life and while there are many options to choose from, we have our own design mantra to adhere to. MAXMEDIA takes the upmost care and pride by selecting the highest quality from some exceptional partners with the greatest ability and like minded passion. Contact us today and let us help you love your music more.

We Deliver our Products and Services Australia wide via our carefully selected partners and or direct with some lines. Please always check in with us first on your local retail demo options.

Drive the Journey
Many Audio Enthusiasts travel to great lengths to get the best they can get from what they know. Let us show you some options that may make you re-think this Journey and overcome some myth and hype while we challenge perception.
The Question: What is stopping you discovering something new and quite possibly some of the very best audio on offer today?

Keeping It Real
We try not to load you up with technical jargon and the use of audiophile
acronyms nor do we tell you how you should be listening to you music. We may tell you how it is if you ask.
This website will endeavour to provide you with useful information and more could be gained from our partners own websites after all they are the spirited creators so where we find white-papers or other in depth important information, please use the relevant links to read more >>>
If you need to discuss further please make contact via the contacts page.
Can I get more
from what I
have now?
System Set Ups , Connections and Tweaks, simply hype or reality in the ears that want to or can hear them.
There would not be an industry of supporting products if there was no truth or science behind such products. While we may have all dabbled in a little black hi-fi magic, getting some real balance back into a system can go a long way and now we have some exceptional products that can assist that. The selection must posses both function and form, not style over substance nor can it be substance at the cost of style. We must have synergy with the product as we maintain our core design requirement, it is after all a simple matter of balance to improve performance.

Each Environment has its own unique character and the way you interact with your own space is of great importance to us. Please let us know what you want to achieve when you enquire about a product..
Q1/Q2 2025
OLYMPIA 100WPC AMP have now arrived
COLIBRI C18 April/May
Diamond Range Monitors getting ready to ship
Modular Digital Outputs are now Available for Pulsar and Next Gen